Pokémon Go Verdant Wonders: all Research tasks
Zarude is back in town – or, rather, Pokémon Go. This rare Dark- and Grass-type is currently available as part of the Verdant Wonders event, which is starting on March 21, 2024, at 10am local time. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to encounter the Pokémon for free: Zarude is only obtainable through the Rogue of the Jungle Special Research, which requires a paid ticket.
Aside from that, Verdant Wonders has free Field Research and a Collection Challenge to offer.
Here are all Pokémon Go Verdant Wonders Research tasks and rewards.
Pokémon Go Rogue of the Jungle – all Special Research tasks
To access Rogue of the Jungle, you’ll need to purchase its ticket from the in-app store or web store for a price of $7.99 USD or your regional equivalent – using the web store nets you 100 Poké Coins as a bonus. As long as you’ve obtained the ticket and logged in after Verdant Wonders has begun, you’ll have however much time you need to complete all of the included tasks. There is no time limit.
Here are all Pokémon Go Rogue of the Jungle Special Research tasks:
Step 1 of 5
- Catch 25 Grass-type Pokémon: Seedot
- Complete 5 Field Research tasks: Silver Sanana Berry x2
- Evolve 3 Grass-type Pokémon: Poké Ball x20
- Complete all tasks in this step: Stardust x1,000, Razz Berry x10, Fast TM x2
Step 2 of 5
- Catch 25 Dark-type Pokémon: Galarian Zigzagoon
- Explore 5 km: Golden Razz Berry x2
- Evolve 3 Dark-type Pokémon: Great Ball x10
- Complete all tasks in this step: Stardust x1,000, Hyper Potion x5, Charge TM x2
Step 3 of 5
- Power up 5 Grass-type Pokémon: Cacnea
- Spin 25 PokéStops or Gyms: Silver Sanana Berry x2
- Make an Excellent Throw: Ultra Ball x10
- Complete all tasks in this step: Stardust x1,000, Revive x5, Incense x1
Step 4 of 5
- Power up 5 Dark-type Pokémon: Scraggy
- Use 5 super effective Charged Attacks: Golden Razz Berry x2
- Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokémon: Rare Candy x5
- Complete all tasks in this step: Stardust x1,000, XP x1,000, Premium Battle Pass x2
Step 5 of 5
- Catch 15 different species of Pokémon: Absol
- Win 3 raids: Silver Sanana Berry x2
- Defeat 5 Team Go Rocket Grunts: Zarude Candy x10
- Complete all tasks in this step: Stardust x1,000, Zarude Candy XL x3, Zarude
Pokémon Go Verdant Wonders – all Field Research tasks
As is tradition, Field Research tasks are available from spinning PokéStops during an event’s runtime. While you can only obtain them for a limited time, you’re not pressed to complete any Field Research tasks while the event is going on. As long as you’ve got enough storage space, you can keep these missions around for an unlimited amount of time.
Here are all Pokémon Go Verdant Wonders Field Research tasks:
- Catch 5 Pokémon: Poliwag, Slugma, or Cottonee (Flower Crown)
- Catch 15 Pokémon: Pansage, Pansea, or Panpour
- Walk 1 km: Vulpix, Marill, or Cottonee (Flower Crown)
- Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms: Stardust x100
Pokémon Go Verdant Wonders – all Collection Challenges
Verdant Wonders also has a Collection Challenge in store for you, giving you another chance to grab a special Cottonee decorated with a Flower Crown. Unlike the Special or Field Research, the Collection Challenge does have a strict time limit and needs to be completed before Verdant Wonders ends on March 25, 2024, at 8pm local time.
- Bulbasaur (wild)
- Ivysaur (evolution)
- Oddish (wild)
- Gloom (evolution)
- Hoppip (wild)
- Skiploom (evolution)
- Shroomish (wild)
- Breloom (evolution)
- Cottonee (wild)
- Whimsicott (evolution)
For completing this Collection Challenge you’ll receive 5,000 XP, 2,500 Stardust, and Cottonee (Flower Crown).