Skull and Bones Crude Saltpeter location and how to farm it
Skull and Bones goes heavy on its crafting and cooking mechanics, so you’ll often find yourself with a long grocery list of ingredients, resources, and materials you need to get to build ships, weapons, armor, and whatnot.
Crude Saltpeter is one of the many materials in the game, and it is required to build some of the more advanced ships, like the Padewakang and the Brigantine, as well as for some weapons.
In this guide, we point you to the best Crude Saltpeter locations in Skull and Bones, both if you want to buy the resource or pillage it from ships.
Crude Saltpeter locations in Skull and Bones
How to farm Crude Saltpeter in Skull and Bones
The best way to get Crude Saltpeter in Skull and Bones quickly is to board ships that carry it along the trade routes mentioned above, or to plunder Rempah settlements in the same area to lure more ships.
Now that you have enough Crude Saltpeter, you can check out our Skull and Bones ship blueprint locations, as two of them require the material.