Sand Land demo lets you check out the anime RPG early
Bandai Namco just launched a Sand Land demo, letting you check out a chunk of the anime RPG ahead of its April 2024 launch. The Sand Land demo includes a taste of the game’s signature vehicle combat, plenty of exploration, and, of course, sand. It’s in the name.
While it seems like the perfect way to make exploration very dull, very fast, the demo trailer shows a few intriguing-looking ruins to spelunk, presumably where you’ll find even more parts to build better vehicles with and improve your monster-smashing effectiveness.
If those monsters look familiar, then you’ve probably watched Dragon Ball, played Dragon Quest, or just generally experienced any of Akira Toriyama’s many other works. Toriyama wrote and illustrated the original Sand Land manga in 2000.
Sand Land takes place in a world where water is a precious commodity, one that demons and humans fight to possess. Beelzebub the fiend prince is the hero of the tale, and he joins with Sheriff Rao to find a legendary place where water flows freely.
Despite all the promotional trailers, I still have practically no idea what Sand Land the game is about, aside from blowing stuff up in impossibly snazzy – and just plain impossible – cars. Hopefully, the demo will give me and everyone else a clearer idea of what Bandai Namco’s been cooking. Progress won’t carry over, but if you complete the demo on the same platform where you play the full game, you’ll get 30 B-grade bolts and 30 B-grade steel to help upgrade your rides.
Sand Land launches for PS5, PS4, Xbox, and PC via Steam on April 26, 2024.