Monster Hunter Rise weapons explained: Which weapon is right for you
The choice of Monster Hunter Rise weapons seems like a simple one at first: Pick what you like and swap out later. The problem is that Monster Hunter tells you very little about how weapons function in combat and what styles they suit. Since advanced upgrades require no shortage of rare materials, it’s best to pick a few that you enjoy and stick with those.
Make sure to vary your weapon damage type as well. If you only use blunt weapons, for example, then you'll be in a tough spot when you face a monster who's only vulnerable to slash damage.
To help point you in the right direction, we’ve put together a brief introduction to each weapon and what you can expect from it. Make sure to try it out in the training grounds to get familiar with some basic combos before taking it out on longer hunts.
If you're looking for ways to make hunts easier in the field, check out our comprehensive list of all sub-camps in Monster Hunter Rise and the Sunbreak expansion.