Helldivers 2: How to use a Jump Pack
The Jump Pack is one of Helldivers 2’s most divisive Stratagems. It takes up a backpack slot that could be used for a “Guard Dog” drone, but it also offers a level of mobility that you can’t find anywhere else in Helldivers 2, for better and for worse.
I have accidentally taken half of my health bar off with a poorly-timed use of the Jump Pack, but I have also managed to traverse alien worlds faster than my friends, allowing me to get to high ground where I’m less likely to be ambushed. The Jump Pack can provide the game with a sense of dynamism you might be looking for, and to find out if that’s you, read through our full breakdown of how to use a Jump Pack – both literally, and optimally – below.
How to use the Jump Pack – HD2
In order to use the Jump Pack, simply call it down into battle like any other Stratagem, equip it, and when there are no button prompts nearby, hold X on a PS5 controller to jump into the air. For PC, use the same key you use to interact with and pick up items.
Best use cases for the Jump Pack – HD2
The Jump Pack is pretty great when it works the way you want it to. Jumping off a high area will activate thrusters as you land, preventing you from taking fall damage, and you can easily hope atop rocks and buildings to make space between yourself and the enemy horde. Very useful.
It does have a few faults though. Sometimes your Helldiver will mantle an object at the peak of the jump, sometimes they’ll just fall. I once jumped towards a cliff, fell a little short, and my thrusters activated before I started falling. Once I finally hit the ground, I had half of my health bar taken away. Not great.
Still though, jumping around the alien worlds with the Jump Pack in Helldivers 2 is great fun, and if a greater sense of mobility is what will keep you interested in playing, then the Jump Pack is absolutely for you.