Genshin Impact: Enjou leads White Day celebrations in second NPC coup
HoYoverse just keeps doing it: After Jeht stole the spotlight on Valentine’s Day, another Genshin Impact NPC tops the popularity ranking on White Day with his dazzling artwork, eclipsing the pieces showing already playable units – it’s none other than Enjou, the Abyss Lector we first encountered during the Enkanomiya story arc a couple of years ago.
White Day is a holiday mostly observed in East Asian countries like Japan and South Korea on which people are supposed to reciprocate for gifts they’ve received on Valentine’s Day a month before. Since it’s a natural follow-up to Valentine’s Day, HoYoverse seems to have aimed for an equal representation of NPCs at both occasions.
Fans have already expressed hopes for Jeht to become playable after the prominent display of her artwork and the same is happening now for Enjou. Just like for the tough Eremite with the tragic backstory, it’s easy to see why people would love to have the Abyss Lector on their roster – he’s looking badass and the performance delivered by voice actor Patrick Seitz during the character’s appearances was very strong and charismatic. He was also pretty funny for being a bad guy.
His official White Day art is making him look like a cheeky casanova, winking at the observer and holding a flower between his teeth. That pointy hand gesture is the cherry on top, rounding off the entire portrait. HoYoverse just knows how to play us.
Again, there is no indication that either Jeht or Enjou will become playable other than the fact that they are the only NPCs to ever get official artwork done for them – it remains to be seen whether this special status endures or more NPCs will get the same treatment.
In any case, both of them have proven to be immensely popular among the fanbase, so if this was a little experiment by HoYoverse to test the waters, it certainly was a success.
Earlier today, HoYoverse released a short nature documentary featuring Game of Thrones star Kit Harrington, kicking off a wider charity collaboration with the Discovery Channel.