Final Fantasy 14 on Xbox requires Game Pass and Square Enix subs
Square Enix announced the Final Fantasy 14 Xbox beta date and snuck in an extra little detail: You need an Xbox Game Pass sub for the full game. You can, however, play the MMO game's beta and the free trial without a subscription.
The news comes from Square Enix's brief beta rundown, and it’s a surprising announcement. Not only do you already have to pay a monthly fee for the full version, but if you’re playing on PlayStation, you don’t have to purchase a PS Plus subscription.
On the bright side, the free trial includes a substantial amount of Final Fantasy 14. You can play the main story up through Stormblood’s finale, and that includes tackling all main story dungeons with a multiplayer party or alone. For context, that's roughly three full-length RPGs and about 250-300 hours of story and light side quests.
The trial comes with some restrictions, though. Free players can’t join a company, play PvP, amass more than 300,000 gil (FF14 money) at a time, or even use the in-game market board for buying clothes and other items.
That sounds like a lot, and some of the restrictions feel a bit punitive. Take it from someone who played on the free trial for a year, though – you’re not missing that much. If nothing else, you can finish A Realm Reborn, FF14’s slowest and weakest point, and then decide if the cost is worth it.
The price for a monthly FF14 subscription and monthly Game Pass core subscription together is roughly $23, so take your time and give it some thought before signing up.