FF7 Rebirth: The Weaponsmith’s Request guide - Izo’s Storage Shed and Draconite Ore locations
While exploring the Gongaga region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you will come across the legendary weaponsmith Izo. He’s a nice enough bloke, and upon seeing Barret’s arm, he’s inspired to create something new, just for you.
Izo will give you the Izo’s Storage Shed key, and that will kick off a short treasure hunt that isn’t too complicated, but you just might get lost along the way. For everything you need to complete The Weaponsmith’s Request side quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, just read through our full breakdown below.
Izo’s Storage Shed location – FF7 Rebirth
Luckily, Izo’s Storage Shed is pretty easy to find. From Izo’s house, head South through the cave, and you’ll clearly see the Storage Shed in front of you – it just happens to be the size of a house. Go inside and check the box in the back to find the five photographs that will lead you to the Draconite Ore.