FF7 Rebirth play log for 100% completion
Keep track of everything you need to do to 100% Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
If you’re looking to fully complete FF7 Rebirth, be prepared to play through it at least two times and do a bit of chapter hopping. As well as a bunch of side content, there are some things, such as the Manuscripts, which are locked behind a Hard Mode playthrough, which only unlocks after your first time through.
Other than that, there are dozens of combat challenges, collectibles, and side quests to take on. There’s a checklist for you below, which should allow you to keep track of all the things you’ve done so far. You’ll also get access to an in-game tracker once you’ve finished the game for the first time, and then you’ll realize how many Chocobo Stops you missed and cry into your DualSense.
FF7 Rebirth completion checklist – exploration
- Johnny’s Treasure Trove items collected: 88
- Allies with max bond: 5
- Chapter 12 date companions: 6
- Chapter 12 intimate dates: 5
- Quests completed: 36
- Perfectly executed Odd Jobs: 36
- World Intel progress: 169
- Completed combat objectives and Hard Mode minigames: 108
- Chocobo Stops fixed: 48
- Cache locations cleared: 49
- Queen’s Blood cards collected: 145
FF7 Rebirth completion checklist – combat
- Chapters cleared on Hard difficulty: 14
- Enemy Intel collected: 230
- Enemies assessed: 230
- Weapon abilities learned: 49
- Manuscripts collected: 112
- Chadley’s Combat Simulator challenges: 56
- Shinra Mansion Combat Simulator challenges: 8
- Beast Battleground challenges: 11
- Musclehead Colosseum challenges: 33