FF7 Rebirth: Perfect Condor Bait, Dreaming of Blue Skies quest guide
When traveling through the Junon region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth you’ll eventually come across the Dreaming of Blue Skies quest. A society wants you to help them get pictures of a condor, and for the best condor picture, you’ll need the best possible bait.
In this guide we’re breaking down how to choose the best condor bait for the Dreaming of Blue Skies quest so you can get the perfect completion rating on this side quest in FF7 Rebirth.
Best condor bait: Monster Meat, Grass, or Bovine Meat? – FF7 Rebirth
As you progress through the quest a Mystic Dragon will come along and pick up the cow that you were hoping to use as condor bait – typical! Chase after the Mystic Dragon and you will eventually be able to defeat it.
Once the fight is over you will be given a choice as to which condor bait would be the best to use. You can move the camera and select from three options: Monster Meat, Bovine Meat, and Grass.
The answer should be obvious: you need to move your camera over to the left side of the screen and select the Bovine Meat. This will result in the best condor picture for the society, and a perfect completion rating for this quest.