FF7 Rebirth: How to get a Chocobo Mount in every region
If you want to fully explore each region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth then you will need a Chocobo, and each region has its own Chocobo subspecies for you to acquire and ride through the world. It gets even more complicated in the Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon regions, where Chocobos become essential for navigation.
For everything you need to know to acquire a Chocobo in each region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, just read through our full guide below. Make sure to hunt down some hidden items with your Chocobo, too.
There are five different open-world regions to explore in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and of course you're going to ride a Chocobo in each, so make to read our explanation in full for everything you need to know.
How to get a Chocobo in the Grasslands Region – FF7 Rebirth
In the Grasslands Region you’ll get a Chocobo as part of the main story after approaching the Abandoned Dock at the edge of the Swamplands. Look for Chocobo Intel: All-Rounders of the Grasslands.
In order to round up the Chocobo Piko, you’ll need to collect Piko’s favorite greens before finding her in the field, and sneaking up on her to get your mount.
How to get a Chocobo in the Junon Region – FF7 Rebirth
In the Junon Region you can get a Chocobo by completing the Stuck in a Rut side quest. Look for Chocobo Intel: Birds of the Mountain.
Chocobos in the Junon Region can climb steep cliffs, and you’ll need the ability of the Chocobo Belle. Just as in the Grasslands region, this will require a short stealth sequence.
How to get a Chocobo in the Corel Region – FF7 Rebirth
You can only use a Chocobo in the first half of the Corel Region, and you’ll get it as part of The Saga of the Seaside Inn questline which features fan-favorite character Johnny. You know Johnny and you love Johnny, don’t lie.
If you haven’t already at this point, you can get a Chocobo from the Rent-A-Bird Stables that are found just outside the entrance to Costa Del Sol, as you’ll need it to locate Johnny’s transmuter chip.
How to get a Chocobo in the Gongaga Region – FF7 Rebirth
In the Gongaga Region you will once again earn a Chocobo via progressing the Main Story.
For this Chocobo, you’ll need to progress until Cloud and the gang encounter Scarlet, at which point Cissnei will supply Tifa and Aerith with Chocobos that you’ll be able to use for the remainder of your time in Gongaga.
How to get a Chocobo in the Cosmo Canyon Region – FF7 Rebirth
You’ll be able to ride a Chocobo fairly early in the Cosmo Canyon Region, as the Bonds of Trust quest is very close to where you start, and it requires capturing the Chocobo Aponi. Yep, that means you’ll need to complete another stealth segment. Look for Chocobo Intel: Cosmo Canyon's Soaring Birds.
It’s all worth it though, as Cosmo Canyon Chocobos can leap and glide around the canyon freely, giving you access to more areas.
How to get a Chocobo in the Nibel Region – FF7 Rebirth
The Nibel Region’s Chocobo is by far the coolest in the game, and you can acquire it by completing the Esoteric Secrets of the Elders quest and acquiring the Chocobo Selena. You can find the Chocobo Intel: Feathered Waverunners very close to the Nibel Airstrip. You'll need to use bait to guide Selena through some inflating cacti until you can sneak up on her.
This will lead to more quests featuring a Chocobo Sage, and Chocobo Races, so it’s worth doing as soon as you land in the Nibel Region.