FF7 Rebirth: All Cactuar graffiti locations in Costa Del Sol
While playing as Aerith and Tifa in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Costa Del Sol, you’ll be tasked with completing a handful of tasks in order to obtain brand new outfits for the pair, and one of those is the Cactuar Caper.
Costa Del Sol has several graffiti Cactuars hidden around the resort, and your mission is to photograph the four pink Cactuars so you can earn another companion card that can be traded for a swimsuit. If you’re eagle-eyed this will be a simple challenge, but in this guide we’re breaking down all of the pink Cactuar graffiti locations so you can get the companion card easily.
How to photograph Cactuar graffiti – FF7 Rebirth
During this mission you can press up on the d-pad to bring out the camera. All you need to do is aim at the pink Cactuar graffiti you’ve found, and then zoom in until the central circle turns green. Once it’s green, you know you’ve got the perfect shot.