Elden Ring: all map fragment locations
Navigating Elden Ring’s sprawling open world isn’t always easy, especially with many locations only being accessible by taking very specific paths. A map is a huge help in working these things out, as well as giving you markers to travel back to whenever you need them. Unfortunately, you have to piece together Elden Ring’s map by picking up map fragments in each area.
From the open plains of Limgrave to the irritating flooded swamps of Liurnia, all the way up to the Mountaintops of the Giants, every major area in Elden Ring has a map to it, and only by finding the fragments can you wipe away the fog of war.
We’ll show you where to find all the map fragments in Elden Ring so you’ll never get lost again.
Limgrave West map
This map piece is by a stone monument – as are most of them throughout your journey. It’s just outside the Gatefront Ruins camp, near the Site of Grace.
Limgrave East map
Starting at the Third Church of Marika, head south and this map piece is near the Siofra River Well.
Leyndell Royal Capital map
This one’s hard to miss, it’s by the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace, along the main road leading into the city.
Liurnia East map
Go north from the Liurnia Lake Shore grace site and this map is near some enemies on a flooded road.
Liurnia West map
On the western edge of the lake, where the ground rises up across from East Raya, Lucaria Gate.
Liurnia North map
Another one you likely won’t miss, this is right next to the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace.
Altus Plateau map
Rather than heading up the main road towards Leyndell Royal Capital, head north at the fork in the road and this map fragment is along it.
Mt. Gelmir map
In the northwest corner of the map, this map is just north of the Road of Iniquity grace site.
Dragonbarrow map
East of the Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace, you’ll find this map.
Weeping Peninsula map
Head down the road south from the Castle More Rampart Site of Grace, on your way to Castle Morne itself.
Caelid map
This map piece is along the main road in Caelid, northeast of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.
Siofra River map
This is one of the few fragments not by a monument. Instead, this one is on a corpse at the base of the stairs east of the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace.
Mountaintops of the Giants West map
Right at the start of this area, follow the path from the elevator and the map is between the elevator and the Zamor Ruins grace site.
Mountaintops of the Giants East map
On the south side of the chain bridge, this map fragment is next to the Giants’ Gravepost Site of Grace.
Lake of Rot map
Right as you enter, you’ll find this map on the shoreline of the endless rot.
Consecrated Snowfield map
After finding both pieces of the Haligtree Secret Medalion to take the lift here in the first place, you can find the map on the main road where you arrive.