Cyberpunk 2077 Happy Together: how to help Barry and get the good ending
Cyberpunk 2077 is full of big and small side quests that immerse you into the world of Night City and are so deep and well-written, that it feels they belong in the main story. One such small mission is the Happy Together side job, where you will have to help your neighbor Barry deal with his depression and save his life.
In this guide, we will walk you through the entire Happy Together side job in CP2077 and help you get the good ending. This guide has been tested on Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0.
Warning: the Happy Together side quest in Cyberpunk 2077 contains depictions of depression and, depending on how the quest plays out, self-harm. If you find these themes disturbing, you may not want to complete this quest, as it is optional content. Also, the following guide contains spoilers.
How to start Happy Together in Cyberpunk 2077
Talk with Barry in Cyberpunk 2077’s Happy Together side quest
Find Andrew’s niche before talking to the cops
Talk to the cops after visiting the Columbarium
Head back to Megabuilding H10 and talk with Mendez and Petrova. You can fast-travel to the H10 building and go down the stairs to level 6. You can still get the bad ending if you’re not careful about one dialogue choice in this convo with the cops.
Happy Together bad ending
If you choose to speak with the cops without going to Andrew’s grave first, you will get an objective to visit Barry again later. Upon returning to his condo a few hours later, you will find Mendez sitting on the ground next to a puddle of blood with Barry’s apartment door wrapped in police tape.
Visiting Andrew’s niche but not telling Mendez and Petrova about it, will also trigger the bad ending. Not being empathic with Barry and not listening to his story through optional dialogue will also prevent you from getting the good ending and saving his life.