Cities: Skylines 2 – beginner tips for the best possible start
How to get your perfect city up and running
Cities: Skylines 2 has hit PC Game Pass. The sequel to Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive’s 2015 city simulation invites you to build and maintain your own sprawling metropolis. But that’s easier said than done. If you’re new to the series and want to know how to get off to the best possible start, or just fancy brushing up on your city building skills, here are some helpful Cities: Skylines 2 beginners’ tips.
Best starting map
Keep zones separate
Make money fast
Raise taxes for more revenue
Use public transport
Place paths to negate traffic problems
Get new tips from Chirper
For more on this title, check out our Cities: Skylines 2 review, the best Cities: Skylines 2 settings to increase performance, and explore the Cities: Skylines 2 DLC roadmap.