Cities: Skylines 2 DLC roadmap: all upcoming expansions
Update (March 18, 2024): Colossal Order has announced the release date of the first Cities: Skylines 2 DLC and provided an update on the roadmap. We've adjusted this article accordingly.
Update (November 21, 2023): Colossal Order has announced that the planned Cities: Skylines 2 DLC would be delayed. We've amened the roadmap below accordingly.
Although Cities: Skylines 2 already feels like a very complete city-builder, as you can read in our Cities: Skylines 2 review, there is plenty of room for additional detail and depth that can be added to the experience in the form of DLC. Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive have already made a roadmap for Cities: Skylines 2 DLC available ahead of the game’s launch so that fans are able to check out what’s expecting them in the near future.
The original Cities: Skylines massively benefitted from the DLC it received over its lifetime, which alongside community mods kept it fresh and added much more depth to the title. The same will be true for Cities: Skylines 2, which understandably didn’t contain all the content its predecessor had at the end. However, it’s a superb foundation for the developers to work with, which’ll enable the sequel to eventually surpass the original in all aspects.

You can already build monstrous cities in the game, but DLC will flesh out specific areas.
Paradox Interactive
Here is the Cities: Skylines 2 DLC roadmap up to the first half of 2024.
Cities: Skylines 2 DLC roadmap
- San Francisco set – October 24, 2023 (Expansion Pass only): Flavor pack adding a muscle car garage, muscle car models, a new police car model, the Golden Gate Bridge, and a San Francisco map.
- Beach Properties – March 25, 2024: Asset pack adding 70 items that allows players to create luxurious beach housing in their cities. This includes a new residential zoning option for waterfronts.
- Urban Promenades – Q2 2024: Asset pack adding more than 30 items to customize the city with, created by a Cities: Skylines community modder.
- Modern Architecture – Q2 2024: Asset pack adding more than 30 items to customize the city with, created by a Cities: Skylines community modder.
- Bridges & Ports – Q4 2024: Expansion pack that adds tools to create a port city as well as buildings like draw bridges and lighthouses. Contains over 100 assets as well as the Marine Industries to expand your economy with.
In addition to these content releases, the developers plan to add more varied radio footage to the game. These packs will be released alongside the big DLC packs of their quarter, expanding the game’s available radio channels with a new host and an hour of music.
The following radio packs have been announced:
- Deluxe Relax Station – March 25, 2024
- Soft Rock Radio – Q2 2024
- Cold Wave Channel – Q4 2024
Aside from the San Francisco set, you’ll be able to buy each of these DLC packs separately, allowing you to pick and choose between the assets you’d like to add to your game.
However, you can obtain the San Francisco set as well as all of the announced content pieces in one go by purchasing the Cities: Skylines 2 Ultimate Edition, which contains the base game as well as the Expansion Pass. If you’re a big fan of the series and are likely to buy all the DLC anyways, getting the Expansion Pass and automatically unlocking all the packs as they are released will turn out cheaper than buying everything on its own.
You can find Cities: Skylines 2 on Steam to check the options.